Mio Santana
Mio is a Leading Edge Trainer and Speaker, and holds certification from the Foundations of Experiential Learning and Individual Transformation.
“I am here to support the healing and ascension of our world and help free ourselves of the fear that leads to competition, domination and power struggle to instead live from a place of love, peace and inner-power. I do this by empowering other's to live their hearts truth.
The Feminine in me sees and honors the Masculine within you and the Masculine in me sees and honors the Feminine within you.”
Mio Santana is a Certified Transformational Trainer with more than ten years of experience and study in self-actualization and self-mastery. She is the Founder and C.E.O of Divine Journey, a transformational coaching program based on the methodology of the 12 Divine Journey Principles she used to transform her life. She is the designer and facilitator of Resilience: A Breakthrough Journey to Self-love, an 8-week group coaching program for women, a 12-month self-mastery program called Divine Journey and a five-day transformative women’s retreat called Rebirth.
Mio is extremely passionate about helping others discover the same monumental, sustainable shifts that impacted and changed her life through the Divine Journey principles she developed.
She also holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree from Florida International University.
“My soul’s purpose includes healing and empowerment of the Feminine and Masculine energies so that we may live in harmony as a species on Earth. The Divine Feminine is re-surging on this planet and many do not understand it. In addition, the wounded Masculine is now ready for healing. My sacred task is to support this truth now and in doing so, I am planting seeds of awareness and experience for others to draw from when they too are ready to live into their sacred truths.”