Day 2

These Interviews are only available for 24 hours……to get Lifetime Access and get the VIP Access to the Workshop on June 30th CLICK HERE NOW!!

Michael Stasko

Michael Stasko was born and raised in Miami, Florida. He earned a master’s degree in aerospace engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology, where he conducted research for NASA. Later, while working as an analyst in spacecraft control, Michael was deeply moved by a series of personal insights and spiritual experiences that prompted him to leave his career and spend the next 10 years living in India.

From 2010-2019, Michael lived in an ashram and dedicated his life to serving his master, Her Holiness Sri Karunamayi, while deepening his practice of meditation, philosophy, pranayama and Sanskrit chanting. In 2019, he moved back to Miami where he offers coaching on spiritual growth, conscious relationships and integration as well as teaches meditation and breathwork (both in person and online).


IG: @michaelstasko108

Dominic the Inner Peace Advisor

Dominic is an Inner Peace Advisor, a Transition Coach, for people that are asking themselves esoteric questions, articularly in the areas of relationships, purpose, and spiritual growth. Dominic identifies the changes you NEED to make and kicks open the door that takes you to the life you want.

These Interviews are only available for 24 hours……to get Lifetime Access and get the VIP Access to the Workshop on June 30th CLICK HERE NOW!!