Overcome Burn-out and Exhaustion In 4 Weeks


Stop feeling like you’re putting everything out there and not getting anything in return.

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Feel Harmony Again.


Doing so much and can’t seem to get anything done?

Nothing you do is ever enough?

Feeling burned out?

Have trouble finding balance?


I was you…

For over 20 years I did everything for others and nothing for myself. I thought that’s what it meant to be a good person and wondered when was I going to get some respite. When was someone going to appreciate me and what I do? That day never came and time after time I was left feeling empty and exhausted after having given my all to a person, a project, a job. It was endless, someone always needed something and since I was volunteering, it always came up to me. I was miserable. I was always left feeling empty and disregarded. I would put my life and needs on hold for others.


Learning how to harmonize your energy after a lifetime of working so hard to be the best and feeling so empty and depleted inside feels daunting.

It’s hard to imagine how you will ever find balance after a lifetime of experiencing hardship to get to where you are. You wonder, “What’s wrong with me?” “Why can’t I be happy?” and “Why haven’t I been able to get this right?”

Or you may have gotten it right yet you are feeling empty and alone. You don’t really feel like you’ve received the reward you anticipated. When you sought out to accomplish what you wanted, you had another outcome than this in mind. And you’re wondering if you did everything in your power to make than why do I feel empty and depleted?

You may not even know who you are anymore. You may be experiencing the exhaustion and burn out after doing so much for others and not receiving anything in return.

It’s scary. You don’t know what direction to go in and you don’t even know if you have the energy anymore. You don’t know what to do to make yourself whole again.

All you want is to feel peace and balance. You want to feel contentment deep inside you and have now realized enough is enough. You are ready to bring balance into your life and improve your relationships, career or life.

“I have complete power over the creation of my life”

Mio helped me realize that I am not a slave to my past story. She gave me tools that helped me aspire to a life I was happy with. We did exercises that helped me tap into my power so that I can create my life the way I want it to be. After our coaching sessions I felt liberated and in control. I have since been able to think differently and not victimize myself. I realize I have complete power over the creation of my life moving forward. Through the years after our coaching, these tools stuck with me and I’ve been able to find the niche in my chosen career, have been able to free myself from victim-mode and eventually accomplish goals I thought I’d never reach.
— Veronica Guerra


Have you gotten to where you are at the cost of your own well-being or happiness?

Mio Santana is certified as a Transformational Coach and is a Theta Healer. She has been dedicated to studying leadership and mastery of life for over 15 years. She is the founder of the “Life Coaching” program called Divine Journey where she is dedicated to creating support tools and transformative experiences for men and women who want to transform their lives. Mio used her own life as an example to create her transformation system that helped her get out of depression and live a life full of joy, abundance, and well-being. She also works with her clients to harmonize the frequencies of vibration through the teachings she imparts on the feminine and masculine energies. Mio studied at Florida International University where she received a BA in English Literature and at Miami Dade College where she received her Marketing Operations certificate in addition to receiving her Transformational Trainer certification from Trainer Designs Global.


Feeling some days like you’re running a race against time?

No matter what you do, you don’t have enough time to accomplish it all and by the end of the day, after doing so much you’re exhausted and still feel like you haven’t accomplished it all.

Belén Carpio is from Quito, Ecuador. She was educated at the University of San Francisco de Quito where she received degrees in psychology and education. Which she complemented with a transformational trainer certification from Trainer Designs Global. Her approach to life is to support people with coaching so that they can understand themselves and the rest, they can accept the darkest parts of their being in order to see their brightest parts. Belén Carpio has so far coordinated more than 20 workshops for 500 people.She is a Bilingual Trainer for the third part of the Gratitude Training. Belén is committed to continue sharing this work with all of Latin America to create trust, love, abundance and peace in the world.


“It helped me see where my imbalance is”

I had so many moments of joy and healing. When you shared how important it was to receive and the realization that I’ve never really done that before in my past relationships was especially powerful for me. It also helped me see that there are a lot of things in the masculine that I can learn from. It helped me see where my imbalance is with my energies and I’m super grateful. That was super impactful for me on my journey of trying to embrace something I’ve never really done before.
— Lisa


Being raised by a single mom of three wasn’t easy. I basically had to fin for myself and make my own way in life. I had no one to really lean on when times were tough and I learned to do everything alone. I was so afraid of being a failure or of ending up like my parents. I did everything in my power to conform to societies rules of what I should be doing by this age or that and what I should own materially. I aspired to have the right degree, the right relationship, the right house. It was an internal struggle because no matter what I accomplished, it could always be better.

I ended up in bad relationships and although I was a good person, I wondered why I was attracting these types of people into my life. It was a lonely and exhausting path.

You are here for a reason. This program is designed for you. It’ all about bringing the peace and balance you so desire into your life…

“I found incredible insight about all my concerns”

I didn’t know what to expect once I got there, I just knew what I was looking for. I wanted to be able to discuss how I was feeling as a man living day-to-day in an age of gender equality, shifting gender roles, and gender neutrality. I identify as a man, a masculine one, and it’s important for me to understand where my masculinity fits in society today. I don’t want to come-off as toxic or oppressive to anyone, intentionally or not. This community was exactly what I needed. I found incredible insight about all of my concerns, the workshop was incredible. I’m looking forward to the next event. I would recommend this workshop to everyone.
— Trevon

Embracing the Feminine and Masculine Energies Within:

is a 4 week group coaching program, focused on developing harmony in your life for self-identifying men, women and non-binary individuals beginning September 29th. We will be distinguishing what Feminine and Masculine energies are unique from gender role based femininity and masculinity.

We will meet virtually once a week for 90 mins and learn how to overcome burn-out, harmonize Feminine and Masculine Energies and improve relationships. In addition to the rituals, meditations, journaling, growth activities, transformational group coaching, here’s a sneak peek of the weekly program:

Week One: What is Feminine Energy

Week Two: What is Masculine Energy

Week Three: Breaking Down the Societal Roles We Play

Week Four: Embracing the Energies - create trust and access your flow state.

“I woke up the next morning feeling good”

I’ve had the pleasure of attending two of the Divine Feminine workshops. I left each session deeply reflecting on patterns of behavior within myself and my relationships. I had gone into each session with things weighing heavily on me. And, upon leaving, feeling as though it just wasn’t as heavy anymore. The group discussions were extremely helpful and insightful. It refocused my energies on positive ways of managing my thoughts and feelings and helping understand why they manifest in the ways they do. I woke the next morning feeling good, lighter, and more accepting. I feel attending these sessions periodically would help me sustain that feeling and recommend it to others.
— Claudia


Sign up today: overcome burn out and exhaustion, reveal a deeper sense of knowing and connection, improve your relationship with yourself and others and raise your vibration and increase peace and harmony.

Still wondering? Click below to schedule a 15 minute call with me to see where you are on your Self-love journey and determine if this program is right for you.