Hello and welcome to Divine Masculine Conversations
On this page you’ll find everything you need for promotion… SCROLL ALL THE WAY DOWN TO VIEW: solo email copy, graphics, social media copy, individual tracking links.
Promo Zone is June 17th - June 29th…….(to ensure the audience gets access to ALL the speakers)
Launch Zone is June 23rd - 29th (2-3 interviews daily)
Here are your Next Steps:
Step 1: Send Solo Email and/or social media copy to your audience between the dates of June 17th - June 29th
Step 2: Input your special affiliate link in the copy that you are sending above.
Step 3: Copy/download the social media graphic into your Solo Email or social media copy to make it more eye catching! ;)
Please adjust your email and messaging in a way that feels true for you in these times.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Jamie at Jamie.myVAgirl@gmail.com She is my virtual assistant who will be able to support you with all the tech.
I can’t wait to co-create an uplifting, connecting and empowering interview series with you this season,
Mio Santanta
Step 1- Copy and Paste the letter below
Dear ____________,
Are you someone who has wondered about the Divine Masculine and what it is? Most of us have an idea or a concept of what it is from what we’ve picked up online and from people sharing on it but what is it really? And what does it look like when it is healthy, aligned and focused? This is something many of us rarely have had the opportunity to experience in our lives. The healthy masculine is something that is only now being recognized.
Since the pandemic began, it’s likely that negative feelings and questions around creating harmonious relationships have become more frequent for you. Never before have so many of us faced the prospect of both enormous change and being alone at the same time. It is not surprising to discover that so much upheaval can impact our relationships with ourselves and with others which can leave us feeling disconnected when all we want is deep, fruitful connections with those around us.
That’s why I’m so excited to share this resource with you, at no charge to you. My friend and/or colleague/ new friend (you choose), Mio Santana, has created an online Interview Series called Divine Masculine Conversations! Intimate conversations with hand selected Divine Masculine men.
I have a complimentary ticket for you to get access to my interview, as well as all the others. You can register using this link. (ADD PERSONAL TRACKING LINK HERE)
Mio Santana has gathered a panel of 10 powerful men who each embody what the Divine Masculine is and who will be sharing their process, how they got to where they are and what it takes to live in full harmony with your masculine and feminine energies.
I’m absolutely delighted to be part of this talented line-up of exceptional speakers. I will be speaking about (insert your topic).
This online interview series will provide content of great depth and the men will also offer insights about our experiences in learning what it is to embody the Divine Masculine and how we got to where we are in our lives.
The best part of all is you'll pay nothing to access all the interviews, but this is a limited time offer so be sure to register now before time runs out. Click here: (ADD PERSONAL TRACKING LINK HERE)
If you’re ready to learn what the Divine Masculine really looks like and begin creating healthy relationships in your life, click here to register. (ADD PERSONAL TRACKING LINK HERE)
I look forward to seeing you there,
(Insert Your Name)
Step 1- Copy and Paste the social media post below
Are you someone who has wondered about the Divine Masculine and what it is? Most of us have an idea or a concept of what it is from what we’ve picked up online and from people sharing on it but what is it really? And what does it look like when it is healthy, aligned and focused? This is something many of us rarely have had the opportunity to experience in our lives. The healthy masculine is something that is only now being recognized.
That is why I’m so excited to be a part of the Divine Masculine Conversations Series by my friend and/or colleague/ new friend (you choose), Mio Santana.
She brought together a panel of 10 powerful men that embody what the Divine Masculine is and created an online Interview Series to have intimate conversations with hand selected men and I’m absolutely delighted to be part of this talented line-up.
Each man embodies what the Divine Masculine is and how it shows up in the world. We will be sharing our process of how we got to where we are and what it takes us to live in full harmony with our masculine and feminine energies. Click the link in my bio to receive the recordings of all these exclusive interviews including mine! As well as the ladies will enjoy a free ticket to Mio’s Deep Dive Workshop on the Divine Feminine on June 30th.
#divinemasculine #divinefeminine #harmony #transformation #peace #healthyrelationships #balance #joy #men #women #feminine #masculine #coaching #divinejourney #divinemasculineconversations #conversations #intimacy #vulnerability #power #strength #focus #love #wisdom #understanding
Step 2- Insert your specific link intot he post and letters above that you are sending to your audience
Amelia “Mills” Bender
Andrew Hague
Barry Stamos
Crystal Clenney
Dr. Shweta Oza
Erika Rodriguez
Ernesto Mandowsky
Gina Tomasetti
Jaime Nolan
Janine Stone
Jeff Parker
Joe Metcalfe
Judy Henriquez
Julian Castro
Karim Raymond
Kevin Walton
Luis Jimenez
Marisela Rosas
Mia LaMotte
Michael Desanti
Michael Stasko
Ryann Dickinson Al-Rashid
Stef Lee
Tamrah Barber
Veronica Marquez
Veronica Perez
Virginia Jimenez
Vivian Olodun
social media copy goes here
Step 3- Download or Copy and Save, Insert in email or social media post